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。有意願的創作者,可以把作品email到 給我們。我們先定於每個月第一個星期五的下午來和適合的創作者面對面討論。每次四個人分別見,每人一個小時。如果有需要,未來再視情況調整人數和討論時間。


。因此,第一次與創作者會面的時間就是 11月4日(周五)下午。投件並沒有截止時間,但是如果希望第一次就能討論到的話,最好在10月下旬就寄給我們。

。 11月4日(周五)晚上7:30 也是「南方故事」的下一場座談。我們也歡迎南方的朋友建議座談的主題,以及我們可以邀請的人選。座談主題,我們希望文化與創作類是個重點,南方人注意或關心的社會議題是另一個重點。有建議的話,可以留言在這裡,也可以寫信到。十月中旬,我們會公布。

感謝 MLD 台鋁 Reading Forum的協助,以及各位熱情的參與。11月4日再見。



圖說:MLD 台鋁店長 建和 幫我們開場。感謝他和同仁諸多合作。


圖說:高雄的朋友熱情參與。之前我認識的 蔡宗翰 來,還拍了這張照片。






圖說: 在 MLD台鋁 Reading Forum 演講區外的人。這個書店有六個書區,一個演講場地,一個餐飲區。


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1. 閱讀:從今年台北國際書展談起


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Paul Éluard長詩 Human Face及其第八段

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* 尤其被第八段深深感動

The Human Face
﹣Paul Éluard

I. Soon

Of all the springtimes of the world
This one is the ugliest
Of all of my ways of being
To be trusting is the best

Grass pushes up snow
Like the stone of a tomb
But I sleep within the storm
And awaken eyes bright

Slowness, brief time ends
Where all streets must pass
Through my innermost recesses
So that I would meet someone

I don’t listen to monsters
I know them and all that they say
I see only beautiful faces
Good faces, sure of themselves
Certain soon to ruin their masters

II. The women’s role

As they sing, the maids dash forward
To tidy up the killing fields
Well-powdered girls, quickly to their knees

Their hands — reaching for the fresh air —
Are blue like never before
What a glorious day!

Look at their hands, the dead
Look at their liquid eyes

This is the toilet of transience
The final toilet of life
Stones sink and disappear
In the vast, primal waters
The final toilet of time

Hardly a memory remains
the dried-up well of virtue
In the long, oppressive absences
One surrenders to tender flesh
Under the spell of weakness

III. As deep as the silence

As deep as the silence
Of a corpse under ground
With nothing but darkness in mind

As dull and deaf
As autumn by the pond
Covered with stale shame

Poison, deprived of its flower
And of its golden beasts
out its night onto man

IV. Patience

You, my patient one
My patience
My parent
Head held high and proudly
Organ of the sluggish night
Bow down
Concealing all of heaven
And its favor
Prepare for vengeance
A bed where I’ll be born

V. First march, the voice of another

Laughing at sky and planets
Drunk with their confidence
The wise men wish for sons
And for sons from their sons

Until they all perish in vain
Time burdens only fools
While Hell alone prospers
And the wise men are absurd

VI. A wolf

Day surprises me and night scares me
haunts me and winter follows me
An animal walking on the snow has placed
Its paws in the sand or in the mud

Its paws have traveled
From further afar than my own steps
On a path where death
Has the imprints of life

VII. A flawless fire

The threat under the red sky
Came from below — jaws
And scales and links
Of a slippery, heavy chain

Life was spread about generously
So that death took seriously
The debt it was paid without a thought

Death was the God of love
And the conquerors in a kiss
Swooned upon their victims
Corruption gained courage

And yet, beneath the red sky
Under the appetites for blood
Under the dismal starvation
The cavern closed

The kind earth filled
The graves dug in advance
Children were no longer afraid
Of maternal depths

And madness and stupidity
And vulgarity make way
For humankind and brotherhood
No longer fighting against life —
For an everlasting humankind

VIII. Liberty

On my school notebooks
On my desk, on the trees
On the sand, on the snow
I write your name
On all the read pages
On all the empty pages
Stone, blood, paper or ash
I write your name

On the golden images
On the weapons of warriors
On the crown of kings
I write your name

On the jungle and the desert
On the nests, on the broom
On the echo of my childhood
I write your name

On the wonders of nights
On the white bread of days
On the seasons betrothed
I write your name

d’azur On all my blue rags
On the sun-molded pond
On the moon-enlivened lake
I write your name

On the fields, on the horizon
On the wings of birds
And on the mill of shadows
I write your name

On every burst of dawn
On the sea, on the boats
On the insane mountain
I write your name

On the foam of clouds
On the sweat of the storm
On the rain, thick and insipid
I write your name

On the shimmering shapes
On the colorful bells
On the physical truth
I write your name

On the alert pathways
On the wide-spread roads
On the overflowing places
I write your name

On the lamp that is ignited
On the lamp that is dimmed
On my reunited houses
I write your name

On the fruit cut in two
Of the mirror and of my room
On my bed, an empty shell
I write your name

On my dog, young and greedy
On his pricked-up ears
On his clumsy paw
I write your name

On the springboard of my door
On the familiar objects
On the wave of blessed fire
I write your name

On all harmonious flesh
On the face of my friends
On every out-stretched hand
I write your name

On the window-pane of surprises
On the careful lips
Well-above silence
I write your name

On my destroyed shelter
On my collapsed beacon
On the walls of my weariness
I write your name

On absence without want
On naked solitude
On the steps of death
I write your name

On regained health
On vanished risk
On hope free from memory
I write your name

And by the power of one word
I begin my life again
I am born to know you

To call you by name: Liberty!

星期五的Free night 讀Paul Éluard的詩

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星期五的Free night 讀Paul Éluard的詩,即使只能讀英文翻譯的版本,都真是人生一大享受…….

Que voulez-vous la porte était gardée
Que voulez-vous nous étions enfermés
Que voulez-vous la rue était barrée
Que voulez-vous la ville était matée
Que voulez-vous elle était affamée
Que voulez-vous nous étions désarmés
Que voulez-vous la nuit était tombée
Que voulez-vous nous nous sommes aimés.
—Paul Éluard

What did you expect the door was guarded
What did you expect we were locked in
What did you expect the street was barred
What did you expect the city was in check
What did you expect it was starving
What did you expect we were disarmed
What did you expect the night had fallen
What did you expect we were in love.
Translation by Lloyd Alexander